Perform menu

Perform actions using the configured bundle identifier of the selected App Group.

In all honesty, the Perform button opens a menu which allowed me to provide access to many small features that did not fit the Side Window. In other words, it’s a hidden gem full of helpful functionality.

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Grant, Revoke or Reset Permissions

When working on features like Calendar access, it can be useful to quickly grant, revoke, or reset permissions for testing purposes. You can use All to grant, revoke, or reset all permissions.

Accessing directories

Directories important to your app are listed in logical order. Each directory has its purpose and I encourage you to read my detailed article if you want to know more: Xcode Simulator Directories Exploration.

User Defaults

By selecting either the Standard or Group User Defaults you’ll be able to monitor or edit defaults using the User Defaults Editor:

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In the above example, I’m testing whether the Create transfer tooltip correctly shows and updates the user defaults key. You can read more about this in my dedicated article: User Defaults reading and writing in Swift.

Relaunch with locale

Testing your app in different languages can be time-consuming if you have to restart the Simulator or edit the Scheme settings for every language. RocketSim allows you to relaunch your app quickly in one of your support languages. You can read more about this feature here: Localization testing in Xcode.

Relaunch with Time Zone

Similar to locale testing, but focused on time zones. Relaunch your app in one of the selected time zones and see how your app behaves.

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Launch, Terminate, Relaunch, and Uninstall

These options speak for themselves. If not, give it a try!

Deleting Derived Data

Quickly deleted derived data for only the currently selected app. This prevents you from having to rebuild all apps that you’re working on in Xcode.

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